Sharing Excitement. Sharing Ideas. Sharing Community.
Wyndham's bright new era in model aviation resulted from the merger of MARCS & WDHC in 2023. Creating a vibrant and inclusive model aircraft field in Wyndham and is located in Laverton, East Wyndham.
Wyndham Remote Control (WRC) or as it is now being called, WyndhamRC, mission is to serve over the residents from the surrounding suburbs and we are excited to join with other clubs serving in the West such as:
Werribee Melton Keilor Sunbury Mt Wallace
Links to these clubs can be found on the VMAA Website: https://www.vmaa.com.au/
WyndhamRC email: wyndham-rc@outlook.com)
Drones Helicopter Planes

Live The Dream
It's Your Time
EVERYONE - Female & Male (8 to 90)
"Can I Try" - Yes (Last Saturday on the Month)
Flying Academy offers 4 sessions FREE without joining (equipment included)
MEMBERSHIP COST - Join for a Year @ Junior $80* or Senior $220*
​Visit our flying site anytime
Located in Lawrie Emmins Reserve - Old Geelong Road, Laverton.
Open to both Female and Male wanting to learn the skill of flying.
(Mum, Dad, Son, Daughter, Guardian, Grandpa, Grandma, Aunty - open to all)
We offer our equipment to learn the basic skills. We offer 4 sessions in a program covered by insurance called " Try-B4-Join". On going training after joining is free.
Training Sessions are held the weekends and subject to poor weather.
At what age is best to start flying? Model aviation flying is best from 8 to 90.
Working with Children is held by our trainers.
What facilities do the club offer? A large open reserve (8ha) & in 2024, portable style clubroom.
The club is affiliated with the national body, Model Aeronautical Association Australia and member of Victorian Model Aeronautical Association
The club is located at Lawrie Emmins Reserve, Old Geelong Road, Laverton. Just drive to the western end of the carpark and say "Hi!".
Club Members fly most weekend mornings or other times by arrangements.
Club Membership are modest with Junior @ $80* & Senior @ $220* per annum.
Membership is from 1st July and 30th June with half MAAA Fees 50% Discount* from 1st January. *Conditions Apply
Majority of models are now electric. Only 2.4GHz transmitters. Maximum IC engine is 11.5cc, Electric is 6S and models unto 4.0Kg, and a model over but less than 4.5kg* (*Conditions Apply).
To join, download the membership form found on Facebook Group Files. Payment is by Direct Deposit. Details are on the Membership Application form.
Club working bees are held every 3 months.
* Conditions apply.